Donate Each year our local YMCA provides over $1 million in financial assistance to local community members of all ages. As one of the largest and oldest non-profits in our county we are proud to serve the tens of thousands of members and guests we host each year. Here is where we need your help. The requests for assistance continue to grow as our communities, membership, and program guests continue to grow. You can help our local community members and our local YMCA network by contributing to our financial assistance program. This helps us help the community and keep our doors and programs open to all. Anyone who has grown up in the YMCA understands the impact this safe place has on our lives. As we grow older, it is different connections that make us feel a part of the YMCA commUNITY. Belonging is as important to health as the physical part of your well-being journey. We thank you in advance for your commitment to the Helen G. Nassif YMCA, the Marion YMCA, and YMCA Camp Wapsie as we strive to offer the best opportunities for all. What is the impact of a gift? $50 provides a swimming lesson session to one youth $100 provides a session of sports programming to one youth $500 gives a child the gift a one week of resident camp at Camp Wapsie $1,000 will open the YMCA doors to a family for a year We host events throughout the year that raise funds for our scholarship program. If you are willing to donate a gift card or product that can be used as prizes for our fundraising events please contact Sara Mentzer at [email protected]. We will provide a donation receipt to you for this contribution. Donation Amount {{amount}} Other One time Donation Recurring Donation Recurring Donation Schedule {{ text }} Beginning today No end date Upcoming donation schedule DateDonation #Amount {{'MM/DD/YYYY')}} {{item.items}} {{coreUSD(}} Total donation: {{coreUSD(recurrence_total)}} ... ONGOING SCHEDULE THROUGH {{recurrence_end}} ... Select the campaign you would like to donate to Most in Need | Change {{selected_campaign_data.APercent}}% Raised so far $ {{coreUSD(parseFloat(selected_campaign_data.Goal))}} What sub-campaign(s) do you want to support? Most In Need Donation percentages must add up to 100% Billing Information Personal Company Company Name * First Name * Last Name * Billing Address * City * State * ALAKAZARCACOCTDCDEFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWY--Zip * Email * Primary Phone (Cell) Are you a member? 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Form, TheSKC - UNSOLICITED, TheSKC - Wapsie Staff, TheSkogman, ErickSkogman, RorySlager, VickySmith, AndrewSmith, BrentonSmith, ChristinaSorg, MindySoyer, PatrickSpeich, JulieSquires, VernonSTAFF, DivisionStalkfleet, AlexStepanek, PatrickStimmel, ScottStock, KentStone, Wilford -Bill-Storla, KathyStreit, GaryStruthers, JohnSwanson, RichardTami - Randy Stark, TheTesar, LisaThielen, DaveThirnbeck, LisaThompson, DonaldThompson, MaureenTiernan, MikeTorbert, PaulTravis, JeriTripp, HeatherTschopp -Cutter-, RachaelUNITEDWAY, DivisionVan Oort, Mary KayVance, MichaelVanCura, SaraVestle, AnnVincent, WilliamVoss, JimWagoner, BradWalter Hargraves Jr, TheWangeman, DennisWatson, SarahWeber, FredWeems, AnnaWeidenhamer, DavidWerner, KarlWherry, LynseyWhite, BrianWiersig, MichelleWilkey, LorieWilliams, ZachWilson, LilyYoder, GaryYork, KentZander, MaryZeitler, BethZielke, ChrisZimmerman, DianaZrudsky, Tom Please select a campaign Please select a payment method Submit Submit {{getSelectedData()}} Submit Donation By selecting Complete your donation of will be processed. 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